How to choose Summer camp for your child

Pic credit - Anny Patterson/Pexel | summer camp fun

Summer is synonyms with Mangoes, school holidays and longer days.

Summer has come! So, all of these too! Longer days have added couple of extra hours in kid’s routine, troubling parents how to engage them for whole day. Summer camps are thus a relief for parents and kids.

Summer camps in Bangalore and Online

But, is summer camp really important?

Well, not necessarily, if you are visiting to a new place or going to your parent’s home. Also, when kid is part of interest groups or regular classes and they are meaningfully engaged. Still there would be lots of free time left as kids are high on energy and low on ideas on how to spend hours creatively. And conveniently, they resort to screen which eventually dull their mind and strain their eyes. They need some coaching or mentoring and some moderation in any type of engagement.

Moreover, this is the perfect time (when they have ample of free hours) to expose them to new skills. It may uncover a hidden talent of child or take her/his amateur skill to expertise level.

Check out for Loads of summer programs this summer from Drama to Photography, from wildlife camping to Cinema.

Summer camps in Bangalore and Online

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both – From The Road Not Taken By Robert Forest

And, here we are not dealing with only two road, but a lot many options. When there are many options, it’s better to decide the goal first and then find a best fit rather than choosing randomly.

So, here are few pointers to help you selecting a camp for your child.

What to Learn:

Fun activities vs Skill building

Kids need both. Age is the criteria to choose on which type of activities the kids should spend more time. For example – kids below 7 years should be engaged in activities that are more oriented towards fun, like group physical activities, music, art & craft etc. In fact, these are helpful in building social skills in younger kids. For kids above 7 years, you should go for focused skill building programs. At least one dedicated hour in each session in any chosen program.

How to Learn:

One program vs. many programs

Let kid to decide. If she/he chooses to build expertise in one area or exploring many fields from photography to learning keyboard. What matters is that kid should enjoy learning and don’t get stressed because of these classes. This is vacation time and it is meant for fun and relaxing. However, if kid is not able to decide, it is good to give him/her exposure to different skills. It may happen that your kid may choose one of them as career later.

Where to Learn:

Online vs. Offline

Both have their own advantages. The physical proximity in offline classes helps kids connects better and they are more fun too. Screen away time is the biggest advantage. Also, kids get a change in place and air and parents get some free from kid time. Moreover, some activities like outdoor Sports activities can’t be done online.

However, in online classes the biggest advantage is to access of the best coaches in the world. Options are huge, time could be flexible. Saving of travel time for kid and no pick and drop hassles for parents also make it good choice for many parents .

Which one to choose:

There are too many

By now, you have decided whether you are looking for fun activities or skill building programs, would like to enroll in 1-2 classes or give exposure of many fields, convenience of online classes or physical classes. However the most important criteria to choose is credibility. An experienced organization will give you good content and smooth process. An experienced trainer will deliver the best result. So, you must check the qualification, achievement & experience of the trainer. Also check how are they managing students. If possible, talk to current students and parents before enrollment.

A snapshot

 Decision Point Decision
Fun vs. SkillAge<7: More time on fun activities
>7: More time on skill building
One vs Many ProgramsThe kidLet kid to decide between exposure to many skills or gain expertise in one field
Online vs. OfflineScreen time, Access to good coach, Limitations (place & time)Both have their advantage. Choose the one that suits better.
Which one to chooseCredibilitySelect the one where trainer has better qualification and achievement and organization has good experience.

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